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Richard Harrison, de “Trato Feito”, morre aos 77 anos

Richard Harrison, carinhosamente conhecido como “O Velho” em seu reality show “Trato Feito”, morreu na manhã desta segunda-feira, aos 77 anos. A notícia foi confirmada pelo seu filho, Rick Harrison, que lamentou o ocorrido no Instagram.

Richard Benjamin ‘The Old Man’ Harrison passed away this morning surrounded by those he loved. He will be tremendously missed by our family, the team at Gold & Silver Pawn and his many fans the world over. He was my hero and I was fortunate to get a very cool ‘Old Man’ as my dad. That I got to share him with so many others and they got to see what a great family man he was is something I am grateful to have experienced with him. He lived a very full life and through the History television show ‘Pawn Stars’ touched the lives of people all over, teaching them the value of loving your family, hard work and humor. We appreciate everyone’s thoughts and prayers and ask that we are provided some privacy at this time.

A post shared by Rick Harrison (@rick_harrison) on

“O Velho Harrison morreu nesta manhã ao redor daqueles que o amavam. A sua família, o time da Gold & Silver Pawn, e seus muitos fãs ao redor do mundo sentirão a sua falta. Ele era o meu herói e eu tive sorte de tê-lo como pai”, escreveu.

Harrison e seu filho se mudaram para Las Vegas nos anos 1980, onde abriram a loja de penhores Gold & Silver Pawn, tema do reality show “Trato Feito”, que estreou History Channel em 2009.

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